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Measuring outcomes. Creating blended value returns.

(W)Health+ Universal Impact Measurement

Capital and organizational value creation is whole and non-divisible. SRF Capital, with our partners, takes an ecosystem-level capital strategy that strengthens and accelerates entrepreneurs, managers, and institutions dedicated to building health and wealth in communities. We know that growth is only meaningful when it is scaled by investment with a clear impact and public value. Our investment thesis gives us the best opportunity to scale investments and lead with Impact.

SRF Capital’s investments move beyond surface-level investments and categories to provide funding that meaningfully impacts quality of life while producing Impact alpha returns.



Capital that only seeks to duplicate, concentrate, and insulate itself for the benefit of its owners



Inclusion as an investable asset class



Healing and well-being as an investable asset class



Capital that seeks to improve the quality, duration, and resilience of life through its investment in QALYs

Duration of Life

Investments in assets that advance the social determinants of health and increase life expectancy through decreased morbidity and mortality rates.

Quality of Life

Investments in outcomes that drive financial stability to bring about greater resources, well-being, and financial security through increased educational attainment, ability to secure investable wages and promotion and ownership opportunities.

Resilience of Life

Investments in outcomes that help communities withstand negative externalities and financial stress, while promoting generational wealth transfer.

Goal Stacking

Goal Stacking

Many focus on one or two Sustainable Development Goals.

We stack all of them:

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water Affordable Energy Decent Work Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities Responsible Consumption Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions Partnerships

SRF Capital focuses on crafting the (W)Healthy economies of the future by identifying and investing in opportunities that couple and stack the United Nations’ Sustainability and Development Goals.

Defining Success

SRF Capital employs a capital strategy that strengthens and accelerates the entrepreneurs, leaders, and institutions that have long been dedicated to building health and wealth in their communities. Success is improvement across multiple dimensions of (W)Health on the investment and portfolio level.